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About me

Hi there! I see you have found your way to my little corner of the internet, welcome! I'm a twenty year old, half British and half Italian born (hence the name, "The Britalian") soon to be student again, living about in a rather small village in Switzerland. I have just started this blog, so apologies for the lack of experience, I am still learning. 

I have decided to keep this blog anonymous for personal reasons, which doesn't mean I won't share little bits and bops of my personal life with you. 

My aim is to share my little adventures, the thoughts that live in my head and my passion for food and photography. 


If you want to know more about me, don't hesitate to send me and e-mail or contact me, I'd be happy to answer all of your questions! 


So, get yourself comfy, cuddle up in a blanket, get yourself a snack, sit back and relax whilst reading my blog. :-)


Lot of love,





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